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Coach’s printed column this week is about “staying out of the bushes.”

The Bushes destroyed the Republican Party. The Republican and Democrat parties are two sides of the same coin.

The darkness is expanding because the light of the church is going out. Ministries and political parties become family dynasties. The salt has lost its savor because the powerful people are more worried about the family business than they are about being righteous.

You are going to have to find some courage … right away. In the near days ahead you are going to be required to have courage. Nothing wrong with being afraid. There is something wrong with staying afraid.

Joshua 1:5 No man will be able to stand before you. You need to convert or die. We need to stand up and speak up. God told Joshua that He would not fail him or forsake him. He commands Joshua to be strong and courageous.

The church is not strong or courageous.

The Huddle takes a call from a listener. John encourages the Huddle and viewers to stand tall for Christ. The darkness is very strong on the streets. You won’t understand until you get out there and confront evil.

Coach teaches on the bride and body of Christ. We aren’t the bride of Christ. We’re the body of Christ.

The Huddle views an eleven minute video entitled “The Gospel.”

You serve whatever you fear. Everything we do is focused around fear of what it might cost us. But, the truth is that we don’t own anything. God owns everything.

What you believe doesn’t mean anything unless you are willing to defend it.

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