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Considering a Donation to Pass the Salt Ministries?
First of all, thank you for your generosity and your willingness to support our ministry of bringing Salt and Light into a dark and fallen world. We are honored by the trust your gift demonstrates, and we are grateful for your commitment to God’s Word and its teaching.
Where Does Your Gift Go?
Your gift helps in many ways. It helps to cover travel expenses, newsletters/postage, Christian legal defense, website maintenance and all of the other vital elements of the ministry.
Give Online or by Mail.
All gifts to Pass the Salt Ministries are tax deductible. Make your gift by mail at:
Pass the Salt Ministries, P.O. Box 744, Hebron, OH 43025.
God bless you for your gracious, thoughtful support of Pass the Salt Ministries!
Brigade Wear
We offer T-Shirts, Cross Hats, and other items for suggested donations. To have an item shipped to you for less than the requested donation, please fill in the item you would like in the, “Comments” tab and we will send it to you.