What is happening is like a football game. Christians haven’t worked out for four years, so we lose. Not only that, we are arguing in the huddle. We don’t stand against anything controversial and when election season arrives we think we’ll win.

King Cyrus was a pagan King who allowed the Jews back into the Holy Land after 70 years of captivity. God protected him, chose Cyrus to do God’s will and to protect His people. What is Trump? A pagan who is speaking about protecting Christians.

If you put abortion as your number one issue, you have no choice but to vote for Donald Trump. Since Coach started in politics he has never, ever heard a presidential candidate call abortion, “Ripping a baby out of the womb.” What’s more, when asked about what judges Trump would appoint he said, “Pro-Life judges.”

Hillary wants to make something illegal something that is clearly legal. Gun Control. She wants to make something that is clearly illegal, legal. Abortion.

The only way Trump will not be elected is if Christians don’t vote for him.