Let us get one thing straight before you read ANY FURTHER. This is an opinion commentary. It is about what I think. I don’t write it to make you feel good, make you love me, or even agree with me. I write it because it is the Truth.

Now you may not agree with my perspective, and I really don’t care if you do. As a three-decade long high school football coach and public-school teacher I have a little bit of experience in working with both males and females.

For the most part, women operate out of their emotions. Many times, the decisions that they make are based on feelings rather than fact. God made them that way. I married a woman…44 years and counting…I LOVE women. We have two grown daughters and 8 granddaughters. I love them to death and want the best for them.

But unlike SCOTUS JUDGE Ketanji Brown Jackson, I am perfectly capable of identifying a woman. So also, are 99% of American males. Despite what the culture has tried to ram down your throat, there is a BIG difference between a MAN and a WOMAN. Only a fool doesn’t recognize that fact.

Stop right there. PLEASE save your hate mail. This commentary is about what I think, and I will not change my mind no matter how much hate mail you send my way. I probably won’t even read it. I hate those bigots who attack alpha-males. I’m an alpha. I’m proud of it. Go complain to your beta boyfriend.

Unless the election is rigged, Kamala Harris will not be elected. The average Bud-drinker will in no-way pull the lever for that air-head. We all grew up with them. We had them as Asst. Principals and guidance counselors in high school. It was part of the force-feeding of diversity in the public education system. Women in authority sucked the testosterone right out of the young boys under their tutelage. For five decades any hint of masculinity was opposed in America’s woman-dominated education system.

Little boys, leaking manhood in the public ‘screwels’ were targeted with Ritalin and other drugs designed to take the fight right out of them. Manhood became a sickness. For decades, our culture has been feminized to the point that the most discriminated group in America today is the White Male.

Trust me. The REAL men in America know it and there is NO WAY they are voting for Harris. Why do you think that for the first time in modern history the LABOR UNIONS did not endorse her? They are repulsed by sissy Waltz…just another weak man carrying around his wife’s purse. No way Alphas will vote for Harris and her flower boy.

Are you mad at me yet?

You see, here is the thing. REAL men agree with me. They have just been so hen-pecked by the culture that they realize standing up and speaking up is not worth it. So, they let the Pelosi’s. Clinton’s and Whoopi’s of the world badger them into silence. Happy wife, happy life. But there is a bubble of REAL men and REAL women who “stand by their man” and are sick and tired of the geldings they see on TV. Only an emasculated male would EVER vote for Kamala and the Twinkie.

Trust me on this. No matter how much it hurts to hear the truth.

For the past 8 years the American ruling class has been doing their best to lock Donald Trump in a cage. They see him as a gorilla…an out of control cave-man…destined on returning America back to the days when men were men.

It is no more complicated than that. They hate him because he is a loud, boisterous. egotistical man…the kind that America used to produce. American women, and their sissy husbands are voting for Harris only out of their hatred for masculinity. The NASCAR crowd has seen enough. They have finally found a President who thinks like them.

That is the hidden undercurrent in this election. Silent, browbeaten men are going to sneak into the voting booth and vote against all of the men-haters that have been pushing them around for an entire generation. Don’t forget…the MALE dominated labor unions, bought and paid off for generations by the Democrat Party refused to endorse a candidate for President. Can’t you smell the blood in the water?

This will be the revenge-election of the stepped-all-over, white America male.

Something has got to give in America…everyone can feel it. Perhaps they are doing their best to push us into a civil war. That is what J6 was about. MAGA men and their wives understood that their country had been stolen and they marched to the Capitol to try and peacefully preserve what was rightfully theirs. They watched their buddies get locked up, they watched America’s resources be given to foreigners, and they understand that this is put-up or shut-up time in America.

As old and hackneyed as some of you may think this statement is, parts of America STILL live their lives according to Biblical Values. No matter how much the media badgers them, and no matter how much government institutions mock them, the gold ole boys of America believe what he Bible teaches:

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man,”

That’s pretty cut and dry…especially for Bible believers. No REAL Christian man will vote to have a woman be president…and especially not Harris.

Call me a bigot. Call me a misogynist. Call me what ever name you desire.

I want a MAN staring down Vladimir Putin…not some cackling hen.

Only sissy men will ever vote for Harris and the twinkie boy.