
This Monday, April 27th at 1:00 PM EST, we will be taking a stand for religious freedom at the Indiana Statehouse in Indianapolis, Indiana (read full story below).  We need a strong presence, so we are asking everyone within a reasonable distance to come and stand with us!!!  If you can’t make the trip, we urge you to lift up prayers and grab your telephone and make a call to Governor Mike Pence at (317) 232-4567.  When you call, please tell Governor Pence that we are  sorry that we did not show our support when he needed it most and that we are now firmly standing with the pastors in Indiana who are expressing their disappointment with the current outcome of this legislation.

What we need:

  • The Air Force: We need our prayer warriors to fervently pray for the situation in Indiana.
  • The Infantry:  We need phone calls made to Governor Mike Pence at (317) 232-4567.
  • The SWAT Team (Spiritual Weapons and Tactics):  We need as many boots on the ground as we can muster! The enemy has taken his best shot at Christians, and now it’s time for those that are called by God’s name to stand up and be counted, literally.

The Indiana Statehouse is located at: 200 W. Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204

If you have any question please contact Pastor Ron Johnson at (219) 662-3623 or James Harrison with Minutemen United at (614) 918-8228.