I Am Grateful Today

I Am Grateful Today

By Coach Dave Daubenmire Last night another set of storms ripped through Central Ohio. That is where I have lived my entire life. Columbus, our Capital City, sits in the middle of the state. Although Cleveland and Cincinnati are more likely to come to mind when you...

I Am A Proud Conspiracy Analyst

I Am A Proud Conspiracy Analyst

By Coach Dave Daubenmire I cannot believe how gullible the average American is. Especially the Christians. That is hard for me to say and probably a hard pill for you to swallow. But Christians, who should be the greatest promoters of Truth, are some of the least...

What If You Lost Everything?

What If You Lost Everything?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire Our Fellow Buckeyes need our help!! As many of you know, Pass The Salt Ministries is always on the front lines in disaster relief. Hurricane Katrina was the first relief effort that we were active in where we kept a boots-on-the-ground team...