The Media Are Simply Larry, Curly, And Moe

The Media Are Simply Larry, Curly, And Moe

In a bit of self-reflection, I dug into my archives this week to get a tempo of just how accurate I have been doing over the past 20 years in my evaluation of the evolution of the American culture. I was pleasantly surprised at how accurate my assessments have been…if...

No REAL Man Would EVER Vote for Harris

No REAL Man Would EVER Vote for Harris

Let us get one thing straight before you read ANY FURTHER. This is an opinion commentary. It is about what I think. I don’t write it to make you feel good, make you love me, or even agree with me. I write it because it is the Truth. Now you may not agree with my...

Lies, Deception, and Fear, Oh My!

Lies, Deception, and Fear, Oh My!

I don’t know about you but I literally don’t trust ANYTHING the Government tells us anymore. It is all propaganda driven by dark agendas. Dorothy discovered it for us when she exposed the Wizard. Who can every forget his clear and direct advice. PAY NO ATTENTION TO...