A Preponderance of the Evidence

A Preponderance of the Evidence

Preponderance--the fact or quality of being preponderant; superiority in weight, power, numbers, etc.: predominance, majority, mass, bulk. “What are we going to do?” I had just run down a litany of issues that are plainly apparent to anyone who has any sense of what...

The Pass the Salt Ministries Newsletter for December is here!

The Pass the Salt Ministries Newsletter for December is here!

2021 In the Rear View Mirror
In so many ways the past year has been a blur. For most of our live Michele and I lived our lives according to some kind of sports schedule. Fall was football, winter was basketball, and spring and summer were baseball and vacations. But in 2021 Covid turned the calendar on its head and many of us had a hard time remembering what we had done over the past year and in what month had we done it. Thank God for calendar books and computers which help us make sense of the sun going up and the sun going down. We would like to share with you a look back over the shoulder at the strangest year of our time on this planet.

The Doctors are Killing Americans

The Doctors are Killing Americans

By Dave Daubenmire “First do no harm.” That is one of the basic tenants of what is called the Hippocratic Oath.  It was once at the foundation of all medical care.  You can find more information on the Oath here. Although the Oath may not hold legal standing in the...