What If You Lost Everything?

What If You Lost Everything?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire Our Fellow Buckeyes need our help!! As many of you know, Pass The Salt Ministries is always on the front lines in disaster relief. Hurricane Katrina was the first relief effort that we were active in where we kept a boots-on-the-ground team...

What If You Are Wrong?

What If You Are Wrong?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire “The Bible Says it. I believe it. And that settles it.” I often hear that as the fallback position of many Christians when it comes to defending their faith. That sounds good and holy, but that does not always fly as TRUTH. The Bible says a...

Whatever Happened to Justice?

Whatever Happened to Justice?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. Prov.21:3. “For I, the LORD, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing.” Isaiah 61:8 Noah Webster defined justice as “Impartiality; equal distribution of right in...