Let’s Storm the Gates of Hell

Let’s Storm the Gates of Hell

By Dave Daubenmire Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against...
Crowning the Good?

Crowning the Good?

By Dave Daubenmire Note: Just today a reader sent me a commentary I wrote in 2012. Tim Tebow was all the rage. I penned this commentary as I watched our culture shriek at Tim’s bold Christianity. This was written LITERALLY 11 years ago to the day…January 26. What say...
Depraved Indifference

Depraved Indifference

By Dave Daubenmire “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell. “I don’t know and I don’t care.” The average American. Nobody tells the Truth anymore. Not medicine. Not government. Not education. Not even religion. To steal...
I am Homo-Nauseous

I am Homo-Nauseous

By Dave Daubenmire Note: This commentary was originally published Oct 18, 2007. Warning: Commentary is not politically correct. Read at your own risk. I’m sick of it. I really am. Am I the only one? I’m not homo-phobic. I’m not homo-hateful. I’m not homo-latent. I’m...
Are The Rocks Crying Out

Are The Rocks Crying Out

By Dave Daubenmire “And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” This one is going to tick...
No Gospel at All

No Gospel at All

By Dave Daubenmire Sometimes I feel like a broken record. And sometimes, I’m sure, many of you reading what I write feel like I am a broken record. But the Truth is the Truth no matter how many times I say it and a lie is a lie no matter how many times we repeat it....