Has The American Church Taken a Knee?

Has The American Church Taken a Knee?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire Christians are known for being people of prayer In fact, it is not unusual for a Believer to mention prayer as a solution to many of our problems. Often you will hear them refer to “hitting their knees” as a synonym for praying about a...
Where are the Republicans?

Where are the Republicans?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire The Republicans left me. I did not leave them. I do not remember for sure who said that, but I believe that is the heart cry of millions of Americans in flyover country. The Republicans used to be known as a “Christian” Party…back in the days...
The Seed of Evil

The Seed of Evil

By  Dave Daubenmire Note: This was originally published August 25 2011…13 years ago. The battle that is going on in America is not a political battle, it is Spiritual. Those who do not recognize this are doomed to frustration. If you are one of those who believe that...
We Have Been Sold a Lemon

We Have Been Sold a Lemon

Christianity is legal in America again! Those in the used car business certainly understand the phrase “I was sold a lemon.”  Being sold a lemon means that the outside appearance of something does not necessarily reveal the condition on the inside. In other words,...
Early Voting is Destroying Our Nation

Early Voting is Destroying Our Nation

By Coach Dave Daubenmire If you are old like me, you probably remember when there was such a thing as Election DAY all across this nation. It was officially set as the “the Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in November.” In fact, it was not to long ago that Election...
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

By Coach Dave Daubenmire Right out of the box I want to give credit to Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, for the inspiration of this commentary. I suggest that you all take the time to watch this short video of Mike. For those of you who may not be aware, Mike has...