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Articles/Websites in Episode:

Videos in Episode:

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Bible Verses in Episode:


The world can go on without America.  The world doesn’t revolve around America.

Genesis 3:13 The curse of the serpent.  The scripture says that part of the divine judgment is that the serpent will eat dust.  Coach teaches that this judgment means that Satan (the serpent) is going to “make war” on humanity.

Coach tells about meeting a South African who asks that America not send any more missionaries because their prosperity gospel is hurting the people of South America.

God doesn’t need America to accomplish his purposes.  The fact that America now approves of, and promotes, sodomy and abortion doesn’t mean that we are at the end of days.

The Huddle views a recent emotional prayer by the President of Zambia that is available on Facebook.  His fervent Christian prayer in front of thousands of his people inspires spontaneous prayer by those assembled.

Coach doesn’t see America getting to Zambia’s point of repentance and crying out to God before significant hardship spreads throughout the land.

The Huddle discusses an essay about Obama’s seven years.

Roger observes that America is obviously under judgment.  The Islamization of America is His judgment.

At thirty minutes in Kevin defines the Hegelian dialectic.

Michael from Washington State calls in and talks about how Christians need to do something new.  He argues for a paradigm shift with respect to how church is done.

Coach points out that the church is the body of Christ, not the bride.  Michael argues for getting back to what is taught in the Bible, instead of going with the traditions and doctrines of churches.

Matthew 24:3 and following.

Jesus is speaking to the disciples in private.   Jesus tells his disciples to beware of those who will work hard to deceive them.  He told them not to be alarmed by wars and rumours of wars.  He tells them that they will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death.  All nations will hate his people because of Him.

He who stands firm to the end will be saved.

The gospel of the kingdom will be preached to the whole world for a witness to the nations before the end comes.

Why are we all focused on America as if it is the be all and end all.  Are American missionaries taking the gospel to the world, or are they taking Americanism.

Coach explains how the gospel of the kingdom isn’t preached in America.  Instead only the gospel of salvation goes forth from American pulpits.

As the show winds down the Huddle looks at why the establishment hates Donald Trump so much.

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