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[easy_media_download url=”https://coachdavelive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Fight-Pressure-…-Find-the-Ball-Pass-the-Salt-Live-September-14-2016.mp3″ force_dl=”1″]


We don’t think the devil has a team, The other team is bold. They know Hillary can’t win. Who’s going to prosecute a sick woman? Globalists are all in against the non-globalists. Tentacles run deep.  Will we have martial law and the cancellation of the election? Prayer empowers action, it’s like a generator to power the action.  Keep your eye on the ball, don’t get caught up with what’s happening with Hillary, She ain’t gonna win and they know it.  When the Coach led a football team he taught the players to stop looking for the ball.  He coached them to fight pressure THEN find the ball.  In Christianity we’re teaching everyone to just find the ball.  We need to learn to FIGHT pressure!  We’ve created a bunch of Christians who don’t have the skills to fight pressure.  Learn how to be a strong Christian in today’s huddle  … and what it means to “root, hog and die.”

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