Go to the Temple Gate
[easy_media_download url=”https://coachdavelive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Go-to-the-Temple-Gate-Pass-the-Salt-Live-May-20.mp3″ force_dl=”1″]
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Dave, I just discovered your website via barbwire.com- great. You got my attention. You’re good at rallying people toward a cause. Great. getting people worked up, charge into battle. Great. Recall in the Gospel when the disciples went to battle against some demons, they came back to Jesus after getting their butts handed to them…they just weren’t prepared for battle, they weren’t equipped. The enemy realized this, saw that they lacked authority and preparation, and rode roughshod over them. Great lesson, huh.
It is my sincere prayer that whoever goes into battle knows their Commanding Officer and goes into the fight both competent AND confident, equipped for success. Led by the Holy Spirit. More than the ra-ra-ra stuff, it takes preparation (of the Gospel). I hope your team is sharpened and ready. My team of men in Christ in Alaska is praying for your success.
So, yeah, we’re game, but you don’t just decide one day, “hey, I’m gonna run the Boston Marathon tomorrow”. you train, train, train. I am looking forward to a good report. Stand. A realized identity.