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Coach is in Tulsa, Oklahoma with Pastor Charles Jennings of Rose Hill Community Church.  He produces a program called “Truth in History.

Coach is available to speak in churches.  Pastors resist having the Coach, but the people are inspired by his presentations.  Not being a theologian Coach doesn’t undermine or challenge the distinctives of the churches where he speaks.

JR gives a report on Franklin Graham’s appearance in Columbus, Ohio yesterday.  9000 people attended the rally.

Coach comments on how the church has given all authority to the government and explains the difference between being tax exempt or tax immune.  The church is tax immune.  The government has no business taxing the church.

Trump is promising to get rid of the 501-C3 status — the Johnson Amendment.  Many educational opportunities will open up in the next four years if he gets elected.

JR shows his bumper sticker that proclaims “Make the Church Great Again.”  They are available for five bucks.

Roger comments on how the pastors hide behind the 501C3 status.  They use it as an excuse not to lead Christians to the battle.

Robert Sellers gives an update from the south.

George joins us.  He lives in Tulsa.  He’s been reading Coach’s articles for three years.  He’s attended church his whole life and connected with Pastor Jennings a year ago.  The mentoring has gone well.

Coach asks, “Who is Israel?”  Not the nation of Israel … who’s Israel?

Hurricane Matthew came ashore on 10/7.  The huddle takes a look at Matthew 10:7.  The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

The Huddle gives consideration to the words of Jesus to his disciples in Matthew 10.  Set aside preconceived ideas when you read the Bible.

Matt asks if hurricane Matthew is a wake up call from God.

George talks about the Caucuses Mountains and suggests that caucasians are the true Israel.

Money is the root of all evil.  Money is a God to Americans.  Their entire life revolves around money.  Student debt is out of control.

The Huddle takes a look at nine charts chronicling the Obama years.

The Huddle turns to Romans 13:1 and following.

Owe no man anything, but to love one another.  A debt based economy is evil.

Malachi 3:10 What is meant by there being meat in the house?  Churches are supposed to be storehouses that contain food and nourishment for people who are in need.

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