Mr. Rogers or Hulk Hogan?  | Pass the Salt Live | 7.6.18

Mr. Rogers or Hulk Hogan? | Pass the Salt Live | 7.6.18 file | Play in new window | Duration: 30:15What should the Body of Christ look like? Mr. Rogers or Hulk Hogan? Hunkering down till Jesus comes ain’t the Gospel. It’s cowardice. Secularization without...
Mr. Rogers or Hulk Hogan?

Mr. Rogers or Hulk Hogan?

Full Show Description What should the Body of Christ look like? Mr. Rogers or Hulk Hogan? Hunkering down till Jesus comes ain’t the Gospel. It’s cowardice. Secularization without representation. If America is 41% Evangelical, why don’t we have 41% Evangelicals serving...