America’s “Sex Education” is Sexual Degeneration file | Play in new window | Duration: 58:34Alfred Kinsey has destroyed the proper idea of sex in America. Alfred Kinsey was a pedophile,...
The Soft Gospel

The Soft Gospel

These modern Churches and pastors are self-help preachers. They don’t approach the gospel or even attempt to stand for the Kingdom of God. They don’t talk about anything having to do with the world or how to live your life for Christ. They make you feel good by making...

The Soft Gospel file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:36These modern Churches and pastors are self-help preachers. They don’t approach the gospel or even attempt to stand...
The Changing Church?

The Changing Church?

The Methodist church is considering allowing a lesbian to be a bishop. If someone is teaching you a gospel where sin is accepted, that is no gospel at all. 1 John 3:8. Jesus purpose is to destroy the works of the devil. The question we are now being forced into is,...