Mr. Rogers or Hulk Hogan?

Mr. Rogers or Hulk Hogan?

Full Show Description What should the Body of Christ look like? Mr. Rogers or Hulk Hogan? Hunkering down till Jesus comes ain’t the Gospel. It’s cowardice. Secularization without representation. If America is 41% Evangelical, why don’t we have 41% Evangelicals serving...

The Rebellion of Christianity file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:03:00Christianity is a rebellion. Christianity was founded by the greatest rebel of all time, Jesus Christ. He turned the entire planet on...
The Rebellion of Christianity

The Rebellion of Christianity

Christianity is a rebellion. Christianity was founded by the greatest rebel of all time, Jesus Christ. He turned the entire planet on its head. He turned a religious system completely upside down. He went into the culture and told them they were wrong, and they...