Are Christians Asleep at the Wheel?

By Ken Morse

asleep-at-the-wheel-who-is-driving-1The question being asked these days by the secular community is, are Christians asleep at the wheel? In many demonstrations fueled by societies peeves, whether it is gay rights, abortion activists or a plethora of politically induced campaigns, the involvement from a human perspective borders on a riotous atmosphere numbering in the thousands.

Yet, when it comes to rising up and speaking out on their own beliefs centered by a righteous plumage Christians are far and few between. That doesn’t bode well in a lost and dying world that is only getting darker by the day.

You couldn’t convince the 150 plus Christians that took up refuge at the steps of the Untied States Superior Courthouse in Washington D.C. on Sunday in an effort to shed light on the decadence that is crippling this nation over the argument of same sex marriage.

I was part of a contingent of believers from as far away as Oklahoma and Illinois as our group of five faithful prayer warriors made the six plus hour trek from the Constitution state of Connecticut representing the Rock Church in Waterbury.

We may have appeared to be outnumbered by the task at hand but the word of God says, one can put 1,000 to flight and two can put ten thousand to flight. I was reminded of Gideon’s army that was reduced from 32,000 men to 300.

Coach Dave Daubenmire, a man of God, spent numerous hours and days preparing the Salt and Light Brigade for a boots on the ground mission, and in my estimation it was a God glorifying success. Because my God doesn’t look at numbers, He looks at hearts; and the hearts that were beating in Washington D.C. on Sunday were of one accord.

I was fortunate enough to heed the calling in my spirit to be part of a mighty move of God. It may not have appeared that way in the natural viewing the 150 plus prayer warriors, but in the eyes of our Almighty Father we were obedient to heed the call and meet our divine appointment.

Led by our pastor Apostle Bill Ulsh and our coordinator Larry Farrell, the contingent of Ryan Ulsh, Angel Roman and myself spent a better part of two hours praying for the Judges and laying hands on the Courthouse in obedience to what the Lord put on our hearts. In that aspect, it was mission accomplished.

Several pastors spoke up and prayed for the Judges. A sister in the Lord from Maine did a fabulous job leading a time of worship. A sister, Brooke McGowan from Oklahoma, blessed us with a piece written by her husband titled ‘The Declaration of Our Repentance’.

In the natural we didn’t see the tens of thousands of Christians across this country that were made aware of this event yet found enough distractions in the physical world to not heed the call. But in the things unseen in the spiritual world our message was heard loud and clear. That is where the battle is being fought. Not from the pulpits, not from the courthouses, and certainly not from the legislative forums across the country.

The time is now, America. The time is now, fellow Christians. The fullness of time is upon us to rise up and take a stand for what you believe in. God is waiting to make a mighty move in this Nation. And He’s waiting for you to hear His voice, be obedient to your calling, meet your divine appointment,, and SHOW UP in a mighty force of one together in Christ.

 (Ken Morse is a freelance writer for the Citizen’s News in Naugatuck, Connecticut and can be reached at