About the Video Platform


We are creating a video platform for Coach’s online presence. This video platform is independent from Youtube or any other service. To access the Huddle you will need to have signed up for an account, signed in, and have subscribed for $20.00 per month. Please continue your gifting of any amount at CoachDaveLive.com/donate

The Huddle join information will be available each morning on the Video Platform Homepage in a post titled, “Join the Huddle Links”. After having signed up with an account, being signed in, and subscribed for $20.00 per month, you will have access to that post titled, “Join the Huddle Links.”

If you do not have an account or are not subscribed, you will not be able to access the, “Join the Huddle Links” post and information.

The Sign Up page is the first step to gain and keep access to the Huddle and access all content on the video platform. Create an account by clicking on the button to the right.

To Sign In you can click on the button to the right. You may need to sign in daily to access your account and all content on the video platform, including the, “Join the Huddle Links” daily posts.

You can click, “Remember Me” and this will keep you logged in for a longer period of time, so you won’t have to sign in as often. 

To purchase a subscription and access all content on the Video Platform, click the button on the right. You must have an account and be signed in to purchase the subscription. Purchases are made using Credit Card. 

If you have given a donation via check or cash to Coach, then please email: admin@althatech.com, and your account will be credited with the appropriate funds.

This is the main Video Platform homepage. Here you can see an overview of all content. If you scroll down the homepage you will see the different categories. The daily show will never be restricted. Various content that Coach creates will be posted on the Video Platform. All other categories with content will be restricted to subscribers only.