Hell’s Hall of Fame

Oct 29, 2018 | 0 comments


1. Vote early. Use paper ballots if possible.
2. Upcoming events – check coachdavelive.com/events
3. Meet You at the Polls – Sunday, 3 PM local time. Keep praying for next week’s election.
4. Iowa huddle this Wednesday, October 31st. Check events page for details
5. PA huddle this Saturday, November 3rd. Check events page for details.
6. November 9-11 Huddle and pro-life event – Moody and Austin, TX. Check events page for details.

We went to the Kinsey Institute this weekend, for our first induction into the Salt & Light Brigade’s Hell’s Hall of Fame. We stood on the steps of the Kinsey Institute and told the truth about Kinsey being a pedophile. We described how he sexually abused children, had orgies with his staff, and discarded people when he was done with them.

People are tired of being lied to. We’re here to storm the gates of hell. Join us!

Pass the Salt!

Contact Coach at: ptsalt@gmail.com

Support Coach and Pass the Salt Ministries at:


