We Rained on Hillary

We Rained on Hillary

As I wrote back on May 23rd, we made a trip to Hillary Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, New York.  The reaction of folks to our plan ranged from being called foolish to dangerous.  No one messes with the Clinton’s and gets away with it, at least that is what several well...
We Are Going Back To Hillary’s

We Are Going Back To Hillary’s

A little over a month ago I visited Hillary Clinton’s house in Chappaqua, NY where I called for her indictment.  I went alone.  I figured it was time somebody from the uber “silent majority” to DO something. There are plenty of talkers in America.  Spend 10 minutes on...
The Party of Death

The Party of Death

Let me say right off of the bat that I am not a Republican.  Yes, I usually pull the lever for the Elephant in the race, but that does not mean I stand in support of the Republican Party. Voting Republican has not cured the ills in this nation and it took me a long...
The Left Stole This Nation By Force

The Left Stole This Nation By Force

Words are powerful.  They can make or break an argument, a relationship, or even a judicial system.  Our entire nation has been captured and we really have no idea how it happened. Well, let me help you here.  One of the greatest weapons that the Left has used to...
Do You Believe In Miracles?

Do You Believe In Miracles?

Whatever happened to the Supernatural?  Why is it that in the day in which we live we see so little of the miraculous?  Is it because there is no God or is it because there is so little faith? I want to believe in miracles.  Don’t you?  I want to believe in the...
Equal Justice Under the Law

Equal Justice Under the Law

I was visited by the FBI a couple of weeks ago.  No joke.  They actually showed up at my house to do a “threat assessment.”  It seems that someone reported me to them.  One of the agents began reviewing my daily show and they decided they needed to pay me a visit. ...