What if Abortionists Used Guns?

What if Abortionists Used Guns?

Every argument in the world is based on perspective.  That truism is becoming more and more obvious as we journey farther and farther down the rat-hole that has become public debate.  The more divided America becomes the more emotions come in to play. We used to use...
Good Riddance to Obama

Good Riddance to Obama

I voted for America’s first legitimate black Presidential candidate Alan Keyes for President…twice.  So keep your race card in your pocket. I find a great deal of amusement in watching the Never Trumpers whine about the direction that President Trump is taking us. I...
You Gotta Make People Think

You Gotta Make People Think

I have to admit that I have this love/hate relationship with Facebook.  Social media, whatever that means, is all of the rage and whether or not we like it that is where you have to go if you want to be in touch with the world. World is a pretty big word but Facebook...
Have Christians Become Too Nice?

Have Christians Become Too Nice?

Two weeks ago I officially qualified for Medicare.  I have no idea how I messed around and became this danged old.  It is a funny thing…age…they say it is a state of mind.  Why is it inside my head I still feel like I am 21?  I guess I am not really clear on which...