Stop Denying the Truth

Stop Denying the Truth

Stop Denying the Truth “You shall know the Truth and the truth shall make you free.” – Jesus Christ A lie only is effective if you choose to believe it. The fact that you believe something does not, in itself, make something true. Sadly, in today’s world where...
Lost in Religion

Lost in Religion

“So just what religion are you?” I had a man ask me on the street the other day. “Christian.” I responded. “That’s not what I mean.  Where do you go to church?  Are you a Baptist or something?” “No.”  I responded.  “I am a Christian…a believer…a follower of Jesus...
It’s Not Natural

It’s Not Natural

I continue to be amazed at what we are teaching our children.  Those (whoever they are) that are in charge of what is being taught to our children in America’s public schools have lost their stinkin minds. They’re “public” schools, you know.  Meaning that what is...