Do You Believe In Miracles?

Do You Believe In Miracles?

Whatever happened to the Supernatural?  Why is it that in the day in which we live we see so little of the miraculous?  Is it because there is no God or is it because there is so little faith? I want to believe in miracles.  Don’t you?  I want to believe in the...
Equal Justice Under the Law

Equal Justice Under the Law

I was visited by the FBI a couple of weeks ago.  No joke.  They actually showed up at my house to do a “threat assessment.”  It seems that someone reported me to them.  One of the agents began reviewing my daily show and they decided they needed to pay me a visit. ...
Thou Shall Not Covet

Thou Shall Not Covet

At times it is possible to analyze a situation and miss the most simple of concepts.  How often do we find ourselves trying to dig ourselves out of a pit without truly understanding how we got into it?  We spend a lot of time questioning ourselves, and others, when...
Government by Opinion

Government by Opinion

Our ministry gives me the opportunity to interact on a regular basis with non-believers.  It is one of the most rewarding things that I do.  I love explaining Christianity to non-Christians. When referring to a non-believer I am not simply talking about an atheist,...
President Trump: Please Call Up the Militia

President Trump: Please Call Up the Militia

The larger the government gets the smaller the citizen becomes.  The larger the Church becomes the smaller the Christian becomes.  The larger the problem becomes the weaker the individual becomes. Americans no longer do anything for themselves.  If you have a...
Do You Really Understand?

Do You Really Understand?

“Do you really understand?” I find myself saying that a lot lately.  It is amazing to me how many people have their head stuck in the sand.  I’m not sure whether it is deliberate, or if they really don’t get it. Ignorance is bliss, or so they say.  But it really...