Jesus Christ is Coming to Town

Jesus Christ is Coming to Town

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO “You’d better watch out, you’d better not cry, you’d better not pout I’m telling you why, Jesus Christ is coming to town.” Why don’t we have that feeling about our heavenly Father?  Do we fear God? We have so much of the “love...
Jezebel Spirit

Jezebel Spirit

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO The spirit of Jezebel is a spirit of adultery, a spirit of baby-killing, a spirit of idolatry, a spirit of witchcraft. Jezebels are men-haters. There are more witches in America today, than Presbyterians. Read about the Jehu...
Stained Glass Sissies

Stained Glass Sissies

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Is the blood of the babies crying out for justice? Whose prayers does God hear? The ones who are sitting on their hands, or the ones willing to die for what they believe in? What if somebody sat down in front of the abortion...
Play the Long Game

Play the Long Game

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO In today’s culture, we want everything to be instant. We just want life served “our way.” Instead, we need to realize that we have to stay in the game of life with an attitude of serving for the long haul. We...
Priesthood of All Believers

Priesthood of All Believers

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO The Nicolaitans of Revelation 2:15 esteemed themselves higher than common believers. What is the work of the Nicolaitans? Lording themselves over the common believers. The Lord hates the behavior of these Nicolaitans. The...
The Grooming Government

The Grooming Government

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Share the Equal Justice Tour business cards everywhere you can. Contact Coach for reorder number at Staples. Today’s show is a discussion about Jeff Epstein and his ties to the Clintons for decades; including using the State...