Truth is Love

Truth is Love

Audio Only: iFrame is not supported! Problem? Contact Support All Hands on Deck was a great success! Thanks to Mike and his wife for hosting us. Thanks to Larry for bringing and cooking all the food. Thanks to all who came. Platonic love is a pure spiritual affection...
All Hands On Deck Starts Now

All Hands On Deck Starts Now

Problem? Contact Support Today is the first day of All Hands on Deck. Coach interviews attendees in preparation for a day of ministry on the streets of Columbus, Ohio. Pass the Salt! Contact Coach at: Support Coach and Pass the Salt Ministries at:...
“Equality” Act

“Equality” Act

Problem? Contact Support You cannot have bitter water and sweet water coming out of the same fountain. But the homosexuals want both at the same time. Can’t happen. They want an “Equality” Act. 2% of the population trying to control us. Here’s the truth...


Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO 1.6% of men identify as homosexual.1.4% identified as bi-sexual0.8% of women identify as lesbian.1.4% as bisexual Yet the Left shoves the LGBTQP at us, forcing it on the masses, relentlessly. They’re corrupting our children on...


Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Deviate, deviant – to turn aside or wander from the common or right way, course or line, either in a literal or figurative sense, deviate from a true course. To stray from the path of duty, to wander in a moral sense, to err,...
Enemies of God

Enemies of God

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO   All Hands on Deck this coming weekend, June 13-16th. Thornville, Ohio. Email for details. Visit for more. We’ll be at a “gay” pride parade this weekend, standing for and sharing...