Unleashed Darkness

Unleashed Darkness

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO We need to support one another in the Body of Christ. The black awakening is here. Dark forces are being unleashed in our society. If we believe in thresholds, portals, spiritually charged forces, ancient powers of darkness,...
Asleep in the Light

Asleep in the Light

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO D-Day is today. Great men fought for our freedom. Courage was the word of the day. Where’s our courage, today? Censorship is on steroids right now. Check out Facebook “Equal Justice Tour” page. LIKE and FOLLOW. The homosexuals...


Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO There’s a war between the American family and homosexuality; between sexual purity and sodomy. The Left is working together to advance their evil. But the Church is weak and divided. How could we even think about...
Righteous Judgment

Righteous Judgment

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  Our fine is eternal death, for sin. Everybody is condemned. God cannot alter who He is. So, He comes up with a plan. He sends His own son to the earth, empowered by the...
Let Justice Roll Down

Let Justice Roll Down

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Let Justice Roll Down. We are to be justice warriors. When Adam and Eve sinned, we knew the difference between good and evil. Now, we have to make a choice. Are we going to be on God’s side or on the devil’s side? Jesus became...
Where is the Church?

Where is the Church?

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Today’s show takes a look at the confrontation of demonic activity coming against God’s righteous ones. Also, asks the question, “Where is the Church?” Why doesn’t the church stand up to evil in...