America, an Idiocracy

America, an Idiocracy

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Someone accused me of leading people to become radicals. Radical – pertaining to the root or origin; fundamental; implanted by nature, constitutional, original. Be radical! The non-radical tree trimmers are the ones who got us...
Rapture Bus Stop?

Rapture Bus Stop?

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Description Most Christians are sitting around like this is a rapture bus stop. The Mayflower Compact was written by separatists fleeing tyranny of King James. In November 1620 the compact was signed as the first legal document...
Faithful, Not Fearful Men

Faithful, Not Fearful Men

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Description If you’re not all in, God sees it. Are you faithful to do the hard thing? Or are you too afraid? Will God say, “Well done thou good and FAITHFUL servant?”  “Those who love Me, obey Me,” says God. When...
Call for Hillary’s Indictment

Call for Hillary’s Indictment

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description **Special Alert**1. Share this Video Everywhere2. Sign the petition at www.coachdavelive.comI’m here at 15 Old House Lane, Chappaqua, New York. The home of Bill and HIllary Clinton. It’s...
Dying Mainline Christianity

Dying Mainline Christianity

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Description Mainline Christianity is dying. We’re leaving behind many of the central doctrines of the Bible, including hell. Men are false apostles, masquerading as men of God. When you preach a gospel of health and prosperity,...