Was Good Friday on Wednesday?

Was Good Friday on Wednesday?

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description The Catholics started the tradition of Holy Week and Good Friday, but how could Jesus be in the tomb 3 days and 3 nights if Jesus died on Friday and rise on Sunday? Jewish day actually begins at...
Thou Shall Not Covet

Thou Shall Not Covet

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description We don’t understand the Gospel in America. I spoke at a local high school yesterday. I gave them the Gospel as plainly as I could. They think it’s old-fashioned. But they care about the...
Pray, Fast and Go

Pray, Fast and Go

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description Religion is the dead faith of those now living. Christianity is the living faith of those now dead. Is our life just about waiting for the clock to run out? Did it ever occur to you, that God is...
Occupy 2019 is Here

Occupy 2019 is Here

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description Sign up for www.occupy2019.com livestreaming. Simply make a donation, and you will receive a code for all speakers at this weekend’s conference. You’ll also have access to the archived...
Passing the Pro-Life Baton

Passing the Pro-Life Baton

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description Ohio passed the heartbeat bill yesterday. 56-40. The girls who lost the right to kill their babies were having a temper tantrum. “We won’t go back.” Is what the losers were chanting, when it became...
Formalists vs. Just War Fighters

Formalists vs. Just War Fighters

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description “God is always willing to give the Church what the Church is willing to fight for, but you do not get the victory without the fight.” Bradlee Dean Webster’s 1828 Dictionary – formalist –...