Abortion is Bullying

Abortion is Bullying

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description Taking another person’s life just because they inconvenience you, is wrong! Where’s the self-control? Where’s the restraint? We cannot have a culture with no restraints. Abortion is bullying big...
Divisions in the Church

Divisions in the Church

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description We’re gonna win the abortion issue. The truth is on our side. Science is on our side. The Left wants to deny science. Science is on the side of the truth. Why is there so much division in the Church?...
Active Duty Soldiers

Active Duty Soldiers

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and violent take it by force. We need to be active soldiers for Christ. The strength of the Lord comes when we...
What Am I Afraid Of?

What Am I Afraid Of?

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description We pay over 50% of our income, to the government. We’e paying fees, taxes, disposal taxes, estate taxes, environmental fees, excise taxes, federal employment, unemployment and more taxes....
Four Kinds of Government

Four Kinds of Government

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO RESOURCES REFERENCED IN TODAY’S SHOW Before It’s NewsDay of MourningUnplannedOccupy 2019Isaiah Chapter 5Declaration of IndependenceIsaiah Chapter 9Fortify the FamilySecond AmendmentSociety in every...