Were There Giants in the Bible?

Were There Giants in the Bible?

by Dave Daubenmire I have been casually exploring the whole giant thing recently in my relentless pursuit of Truth.  My research led me to Steve Quayle and his wonderful website where his deep-dive into this controversial subject really caused me and millions of...
Hang ‘Em High

Hang ‘Em High

I just got locked up in Facebook jail for saying that Hillary should hang. I’ve spent more time in jail than her. Hillary Clinton is a traitor. Now that the evidence clearly shows that, why are we not permitted to demand the law be followed? But she is not alone. I...
The Devil Made Me Do It

The Devil Made Me Do It

By Dave Daubenmire Most Americans recognize the phrase “the Devil made me do it,” from Flip Wilson who hosted a smash comedy show in the 1970’s. That was back when people were permitted to say funny things no matter whom it might offend. Funny was, and still is,...
Will Anyone Blow the Trumpet?

Will Anyone Blow the Trumpet?

by Dave Daubenmire (This commentary was written on January 30, 2015.  It is still relevant today) Is there no one who will stand for righteousness?  America was once known as “the land of the free and the home of the brave”.  Today, we are neither. In fact, it is the...
What Really Happened?

What Really Happened?

by Dave Daubenmire The world is under a strong delusion.  At least that is what the Bible tells us. “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And for this cause God...
What God Do you Serve?

What God Do you Serve?

by Dave Daubenmire I do not trust ANYONE associated with the Government. “Trust but verify.”  Those were the famous words that President Reagan uttered when explaining his policy regarding the Russians and nuclear weapons.  Although the statement is profound in its...