Who Really Controls the Church?

Who Really Controls the Church?

Who Really Controls the Church?   By Dave Daubenmire|August 5th, 2020 This is not your Grandpa’s America. The idea of an all-caring benevolent partnership between the Church and the State no longer exists. With the appearance of the latest national crisis it is...
Black Conservatives Don’t Matter

Black Conservatives Don’t Matter

Black Conservatives Don’t Matter   By Dave Daubenmire|July 30th, 2020 I know a lot of white guys who don’t think like me.  Where did we ever come up with the idea that all members of a certain racial group are supposed to think the same way?  Who was the author...
Policing the Law Abiding

Policing the Law Abiding

Policing the Law Abiding   By Dave Daubenmire|July 10th, 2020 Policing the Law Abiding Note:  This column was originally published in 2007.  Does anyone know where I can get a mask? I was out riding my bicycle this past weekend fighting my own version of the battle of...
Change the Words, Change the World

Change the Words, Change the World

Change the Words, Change the World   By Dave Daubenmire|July 3rd, 2020 Note:  This column was originally written in 2009.  It seemed appropriate to have a 2nd look. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from...
I’m Proud to Be White

I’m Proud to Be White

I’m Proud to Be White   By Dave Daubenmire|June 25th, 2020 Please spare me the usual emails calling me a “racist.”  The white-guilt card will not work on me.  I will not cower in the corner, I will not bow and lick your boots, and I will not take responsibility for...
Faithism is Worse Than Racism

Faithism is Worse Than Racism

Faithism is Worse Than Racism   By Dave Daubenmire|June 12th, 2020 Faithism is Worse Than Racism I’ve about had it up to my once water-breathing gills with this whole whitey hates blackie thing.  Coming on the heels of a made-up pandemic the idea that the greatest...