We Just Returned from Tornado Country
The Day after Christmas 2 dozen of us journeyed to Mayfield, Ky to assist with tornado relief for those who had been devasted by the December 10th storm. What follows is a report from our friend Mark Trump who succinctly describes our efforts.
“I just returned from Mayfield, Kentucky. We worked for 2 days at a church that was demolished. Sheila and her husband bought this church property 2 yrs. ago… He died in February. Using our hands, chainsaws, mauls and muscles, we disassembled what was left and piled her church up into a pile as she, with tears in her eyes, picked up and saved soggy hymnals and occasional picture or coin. We found her husband’s glasses that she had been looking for… She wept as she took them from my hand
Others joined us from as far away as Maine, California and Oklahoma. Consider sacrificing some of your time, skills and even finances so others can go serve as these “storms” are likely to increase in the days and weeks ahead.
Two homes away from Sheila’s church we worked at Sonny’s place...Sonny, 81, his shop that he and his dad worked out of for 62 years was destroyed. He’s rebuilding so he can get back to work… Amazing man with the light and fire of Jesus in his eyes… He gave me a horseshoe to take home… I’ll never forget this man.”

The area is devastated beyond belief. Thanks for helping us serve others.
Celebrate Freedom Day is a Way for YOU to Get Involved
Your invitation has arrived: We the people are uniting like never before in our inner cities, suburbs, and rural areas all over America. We have way more in common than our differences. We the people have equal love for God, Family, Country, Sports, and Freedom.
January 6th, join us as we lay down our political differences on Celebrate Freedom Day by standing up together to those who hate America and are trying to undermine our country by dividing us. We can break free from this wicked agenda. Red, yellow, black, and white, they are precious in His sight.
We need to ask the question: What really happened to America? Let’s all come together to honor God, Family, Country, Sports, and Freedom. We the people in all 50 states, pledging together to stand for good versus evil. One nation under God, INDIVISIBLE with liberty and justice for all.
We believe there has never been a better time for revival and healing for America and the world. With your help, we will work hard to fund good. Go to TheChristianRevolution.net to see how YOU can get involved!! All praise and glory to God!
Let’s Make America CHRISTIAN Again!!

What Does 2022 Hold for All of Us?
You would have to agree that none of us have ever experienced anything like 2021. From lockdowns to mandates, social distancing to masks, vaccines to funerals the impact of an evil world has never been more apparent. What is it that we are supposed to DO?? For at least 60 years, Christians have been content to live our lives with the confidence that our government was always going to protect us. In fact, we often joked about the phrase “I’m from the government and I am here to help” as we watched the behemoth slowly take away our freedoms. It was Ben Franklin who warned us that “He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.” We are in the fight of our lives.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is THERE is Freedom
As we have faithfully done for the past 19 years, we at Pass The Salt commit to doing everything we can do to advance the cause of Christ and the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth just as we were taught in the Lord’s Prayer. THY KINGDOM COME. THY WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. We are building teams of like-minded believers all across the country who are committed to that task. Thank you for all the help over the past 2 decades and we pray you would consider our efforts worthy of your continued support.!! THE GREATEST REVIVAL THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN IS JUST OVER THE HORIZON!!