We are utterly insignificant. The universe is so vast and we think God does everything in the universe just for us? Making God out to care everything about us is a great disservice. The modern church is teaching that God only exists to make the individual happy. That ain’t it folks. Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, it’s the way it is. Your personal stake in the game isn’t all that important, you just choose to do the right thing.
Why do we have to pay for immoral behavior? Immorality has a cost, and Americans are bearing that out in the healthcare system. What is our country acted morally? What if we weren’t gluttonous, sex crazed materialists? Well, people would be healthier. We would pay less in healthcare. We would get along. Children would grow up focused on righteousness instead of evil and pleasure. It literally would be less expensive if we lived morally.
The modern church has removed morality and ethics. They don’t speak about a moral standard. They preach that, “Jesus will forgive you if you pray to him”. We are ordaining homo preachers! We are spitting in God’s face, and literally paying the price through exploding healthcare costs.
Homosex is one of the most destructive, “Lifestyles” that can be lived. It creates GRIDs (Gay Related Immune Deficiency), or what is now called, “AIDs” (Auto Immune Deficiency Disorder). Guess what, you pay for that. You get to cover all that under our wonderful health insurance system. We are paying for homos to live like deviants. We are paying for people to have no consequences for their evil behavior. We are paying for butt sex to be OK.
Hey, Pass the Salt.
Email Coach: ptsalt@gmail.com
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