There has been a shift in the homosexual spirit in the land. Last week the Brigade went to Ohio to tell the sodomites to repent. They were more aggressive than they have ever been, and Coach has been going for many years. Something has shifted, and it is time for God’s army to start waking up to the reality of the times.

Pornography is a great deception. It is a sexual indulgence that is entirely selfish. It has no bearing on the screen, it affects the person looking and lusting after it. It removes your ability to be intimate. It removes your ability to naturally relate to the woman in your life, or the potential women in your life. There is an answer.

Repentance is the key. You must repent and rebuke the demons of lust in and around your life. You MUST repent and acknowledge that Jesus Christ has given you complete power over sin in your life, and by extension demonic influence. You are a changed being, you are a representative of Jesus Christ and it is your obligation to not cheapen Jesus’ sacrifice by making it less than it is. He died and gave you power over sin and death. Live in that power and walk in it, rebuke Satan and his demons, and live life under the shadow of the almighty.

Hey, don’t forget to Pass the Salt.

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