To obey is better than to sacrifice. Jesus’ obedience set us free. His obedience led to the sacrifice, that made all the difference. If God asks you to do it, it will be simple, but hard to do. Be obedient to the call.

When the Holy Spirit comes to you, there’s immediately another voice. There are a lot of voices. It is my prayer that you would fine tune and hear His voice. Just do what the Holy Spirit says.

Mark Trump talked about gadgets now enabling brain control. Ways to use computers and devices to interface with the brain. Knowledge is readily available about many scientific things. How do we use this knowledge? For evil or for good? Satan wants us to use knowledge for evil, just as he did in the Garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve. God wants us to be pure and innocent like children; trusting and worshipping Him.

Scripture encourages us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. We are to take captive every thought; making it obedient unto Christ.

God reveals by His Holy Spirit, our connection cord, the power of the Trinity. This is what we should be plugged into. What we’re plugged into, is what we become. Pray without ceasing.

Jeremiah 33:3 reads, “Call unto Me and I will answer Thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”

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