When you find yourself in a hole, what is the first thing you do? Stop digging. We need to stop and figure out what is going on, then fix the problem. We don’t live in an immoral society, we live in an a-moral society. Everyone does what they think is right in their own eyes.

The mantra in the church is now, “Who are you to judge?”

There are three types of law in the old testament. These laws still apply today. There is judicial law, moral law,  and ceremonial law. The moral law applies to everyone. Ceremonial law does not apply to everyone. Ceremonial law applies to a nation and it’s more of a tradition that points towards God for a specific people. Judicial law grows from the moral law. The law is a schoolmaster that points us toward God.

The purposes of the law. The first purpose of the law is to teach us that we need Christ. The second purpose of the law is a restraint on evil. It can protect the righteous from the unrighteous. The third purpose of the law is to reveal what is pleasing to God. If you love God, you will keep his commandments. You serve as an instrument to the people of God to give glory and honor to God. Our redemption is from the curse of the law.