Coach begins the show by talking about prayer, effective and ineffective prayer. There is a difference between effective and fervent. You can be fervent and completely waste your time.
Coach talks about how the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. He ties this in with the war itself. We are fighting against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. This is a spiritual war.
Coach goes into the weapons of our warfare. The first weapon is praise. The Second weapon is the Word of God. The third weapon is the blood of Jesus. The Fourth weapon is prayer. The Fifth weapon is the power of your testimony. The sixth weapon is the power of the holy spirit expressed through the gifts of the spirit. The seventh weapon is the name of Jesus. The eighth weapon is fasting.
Coach then tells of the story of David and Goliath. David did real things, real actions, in the name of God the Father. He lived his life and committed it to God. He didn’t hide in a closet and pray, he set out to be an example of righteousness acknowledging the only way it’s possible is with God’s blessing and help.
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