Cultural Alzheimer’s

Cultural Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is the scourge of The Greatest Generation.  My wife and I both lost our mothers to this insidious disease.  As many of you have experienced it is devastating to watch a parent fade away into oblivion as their heart continues to beat. As part of the Baby...
We are Winning

We are Winning

Description: We are winning. This cultural battle is coming to a head, and truth prevails against evil. We don’t know the specifics of Trump, but we do know everyone is against him. Everyone in Washington DC is against Donald Trump. Why? From what he says and what he...

We are Winning file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:06We are winning. This cultural battle is coming to a head, and truth prevails against evil. We don’t know the specifics of Trump, but we do know...
We are Winning

No Excuses

Description: Coach starts the show by talking about abortion. We must take responsibility for this slaughter. The Church and American Christians don’t actually believe it’s murder. We say it, the pro-life crowd says it, but they don’t believe it. If you had a place in...

No Excuses file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:43  Coach starts the show by talking about abortion. We must take responsibility for this slaughter. The Church and American Christians don’t actually...