In Bed with Uncle Sam file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:46Bill O’Reilly did a disservice to the conservative movement. He claimed to be the, “No Spin Zone!” except… All he did was spin the issue. He...
In Bed with Uncle Sam

In Bed with Uncle Sam

Bill O’Reilly did a disservice to the conservative movement. He claimed to be the, “No Spin Zone!” except… All he did was spin the issue. He would bring in two sides of the abortion issue and have them present their arguments, and no one was right. There’s nothing...
In Bed with Uncle Sam

Apostate Churches

We are picking up those who have left the, “Church”. People are searching for something real and applicable. The modern church espouses that church is something that happens once a week and you feel good for an hour, then go home. This is wrong. Church is a community...

Apostate Churches file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:00We are picking up those who have left the, “Church”. People are searching for something real and applicable. The modern church espouses that...

That Performance on Sunday file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:52What is the Church? The Church is the body of Christ. The body of Christ are those who recognize that Jesus Christ is their Lord, repent...