Religion – Today’s Opiate | Coach Dave Live | 7.25.19

Religion – Today’s Opiate | Coach Dave Live | 7.25.19 file | Play in new window | Duration: 30:45Opiate – any medicine which induces rest or inaction. Religion is the opiate of today. Religion is a narcotic. It’s...
Religion – Today’s Opiate

Religion – Today’s Opiate

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Opiate – any medicine which induces rest or inaction. Religion is the opiate of today. Religion is a narcotic. It’s meant to calm you down; causing rest or inaction. Everything in culture is threatening to be ripped from you,...
Trump on Hillary

Trump on Hillary

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Today’s show highlights the LONG history of the Clinton crimes. Check out and for more.  Pass the Salt! Contact Coach at: Support Coach and Pass...
Trump on Hillary | Pass the Salt Live | 6.20.19

Trump on Hillary | Pass the Salt Live | 6.20.19 file | Play in new window | Duration: 31:10Today’s show highlights the LONG history of the Clinton crimes. Check out and...
Thou Shall Not Covet

Thou Shall Not Covet

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description We don’t understand the Gospel in America. I spoke at a local high school yesterday. I gave them the Gospel as plainly as I could. They think it’s old-fashioned. But they care about the...