The Narrow Path–-Pass-the-Salt-Live-–-10.12.2017-96kbps.m4aDownload file | Play in new window | Duration: 58:50The loss of a loved one is hard, and it happens to everyone. The loss of a wife is even harder, because the two...

Misdiagnosis Leads to Improper Treatment file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:51Jesus makes people uncomfortable. They don’t want to hear the J word. They want to go on...
Insatiable Sin

Insatiable Sin

Taking care of someone who is dying is a humbling act. Most people don’t consider death, or think about it often. It is a scary thought. We are moving into a time where death is accepted. Abortion is allowed. Euthanasia is discussed and allowed (Terry Shiavo anyone?)....

Insatiable Sin file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:37Taking care of someone who is dying is a humbling act. Most people don’t consider death, or think about it often. It...