Band of Brothers | Pass the Salt Live | 7.9.19

Band of Brothers | Pass the Salt Live | 7.9.19 file | Play in new window | Duration: 30:40Today’s show is all about how we need each other in the Body of Christ. The trip back to Chappaqua, New York was incredible, not only for the work that was...
Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Today’s show is all about how we need each other in the Body of Christ. The trip back to Chappaqua, New York was incredible, not only for the work that was done to see Hillary Clinton indicted, but the fellowship among the...

Vanity, The Deep State, and Love of Money file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:52Christians do not understand the power we have. We act like we have no power. We aren’t...
Resistance is Necessary

Resistance is Necessary

The time to end abortion is now. We are apathetic, we don’t even care about the innocent children. We must repent of this evil we have committed on innocent children. We are killing children, we aren’t saving women. We are killing children. The United States is...