The Foundation of America

The Foundation of America

Full Show Description Who are you thankful to? Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and yet most of America doesn’t even know who they are thankful TO. Don’t you think that’s an important question? Are we all just thankful for each other because… Reasons…? If you aren’t...

The Foundation of America | Pass the Salt Live | 11.24.2017 file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:43Who are you thankful to? Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and yet most of America doesn’t even know who they are...
The Seed the Devil Sows

The Seed the Devil Sows

The 501c3 Church is under the thumb of the government. When you marry the government, they start having a say in what you are talking about. Now, why is the government involved in the Church if there is a separation between Church and State? Why does the Church owe...

The Seed the Devil Sows file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:40The 501c3 Church is under the thumb of the government. When you marry the government, they start having a...