The Religion of Environmentalism

The Religion of Environmentalism

Trump has dealt a huge blow to the religion of environmentalism. He said, “I’m the President of Pittsburgh, not the President of Paris.” He said this in regard to the Paris Accord. He is taking care of American taxpayers. Not environmental globalists. Not the religion...

The Religion of Environmentalism file | Play in new window | Duration: 51:50Trump has dealt a huge blow to the religion of environmentalism. He said, “I’m the President of Pittsburgh,...

Hollywood file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:02:23Today we’ve got Jon Robberson in the Huddle. He is a Hollywood insider. He worked around the evil in Hollywood since 2000. He...
The Religion of Environmentalism


Today we’ve got Jon Robberson in the Huddle. He is a Hollywood insider. He worked around the evil in Hollywood since 2000. He started in the, “Set Deck” which is setting up sets. He then worked with directors for continuity for cuts and production. He worked with...