Trust but Verify

Trust but Verify

Trump has gone all in. He has accused Obama of committing a felony while in office. There is no going back now. He is either going to win this fight, or lose and his presidency may as well be over. It is an amazing thing to have a president who defends himself and...

Trust but Verify file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:09Trump has gone all in. He has accused Obama of committing a felony while in office. There is no going back now. He is either going to win this...
Trust but Verify

The Days of Noah

Description: Today’s episode is about the history of the Bible and what we know about it. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. What beginning? Was this the first beginning? In Revelations the Bible speaks about, “As it was in the days of Noah”. In...

The Days of Noah file | Play in new window | Duration: 59:47  Today’s episode is about the history of the Bible and what we know about it. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. What...

Power in the Blood file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:29  Today Coach talks about the blood. God works through the blood of people. Life is given and taken through the blood. Blood is the currency...