The Fearful and Unbelieving | Coach Dave Live | 1-30-2020

The Fearful and Unbelieving | Coach Dave Live | 1-30-2020 file | Play in new window | Duration: 58:38  Description: The Fearful and Unbelieving | Coach Dave Live | 1-30-2020 Coach broadcasted from Caribou, Maine.  “We have a leadership crisis on our side...
The Fearful and Unbelieving | Coach Dave Live | 1-30-2020

Jesus was Arrested! | Coach Dave Live | 12-17-19 file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:37Description: Jesus was Arrested! | Coach Dave Live | 12-17-19 “Have you ever seen a war or football game where there aren’t casualties?” Asked Coach.  “Every...