The Foundation of America

The Foundation of America

Full Show Description Who are you thankful to? Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and yet most of America doesn’t even know who they are thankful TO. Don’t you think that’s an important question? Are we all just thankful for each other because… Reasons…? If you aren’t...

The Foundation of America | Pass the Salt Live | 11.24.2017 file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:00:43Who are you thankful to? Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and yet most of America doesn’t even know who they are...
The Power of Apathy

The Power of Apathy

“What do you think is the biggest problem facing America today?”  I asked a recent college graduate. “I don’t know and I don’t care.”  Was the cocky millenial’s response. I suppose he had never heard of the Lutheran Minister Dietrich Bonheoffer who was martyred at a...
That Old Religious System

That Old Religious System

Israel is made up of people who are no longer God’s chosen. The ceased to be God’s chosen when Jesus came. This is backed up by the fact that their bloodline was broken. They were dispersed throughout the world and married outside of their blood. The new chosen people...

That Old Religious System file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:01:46Israel is made up of people who are no longer God’s chosen. The ceased to be God’s chosen when Jesus came. This is backed up by the fact...