Big Sodomy | Pass the Salt Live |  6.5.19

Big Sodomy | Pass the Salt Live | 6.5.19 file | Play in new window | Duration: 30:07There’s a war between the American family and homosexuality; between sexual purity and sodomy. The Left is working together...


Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO There’s a war between the American family and homosexuality; between sexual purity and sodomy. The Left is working together to advance their evil. But the Church is weak and divided. How could we even think about...
Justice and Courage

Justice and Courage

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR AUDIO Coach is in the hospital with chest pains. Please pray for Coach and his family. Join us in NY Sunday, May 26th. Check out Go to the prayer wall at that website and write a prayer. It cannot be taken...
Big Sodomy | Pass the Salt Live |  6.5.19

Justice and Courage | Pass the Salt Live | 5.21.19 file | Play in new window | Duration: 30:24Coach is in the hospital with chest pains. Please pray for Coach and his family. Join us in NY Sunday, May 26th. Check...
Strong Delusion

Strong Delusion

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description 2 Thessalonians 2 What did Jesus mean when He said, “You are of your father, the devil.” Can the devil be people’s father? Scripture says, “We are new creations in...