Sheep Divided from Sheep | Coach Dave Live | 11.19.2019

Sheep Divided from Sheep | Coach Dave Live | 11.19.2019 file | Play in new window | Duration: 30:20Description Coach opened the show, “All things work together for good.”  If you’ve dedicated your life to his purposes then you will be able to say to God,...
Pray, Fast and Go

Pray, Fast and Go

Problem? Contact Support CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR AUDIO Description Religion is the dead faith of those now living. Christianity is the living faith of those now dead. Is our life just about waiting for the clock to run out? Did it ever occur to you, that God is...

Kingdoms Are About To Topple file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:02:39Coach is broadcasting live from his hotel room in Indianapolis.  Be sure to tune in on Monday.  Antifa...